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  • Biologists in Colombia
    Biologists Natalia Vargas and Anne Pringle investigate invasive Amanita muscaria in the Andes of Colombia. Photo by Anne Pringle
    exotic pine plantation in South Africa_photo by Michael Wingfield
    Exotic pine plantation in South Africa. Photo by Michael Wingfield
    Ectomycorrhizal partners common to Australia

    Ectomycorrhizal partners commonly co-occuring in exotic pine forests in Australia.

    A. Cone split in half of a common host plant, Pinus radiata; B. Ectomycorrhizal fungus: Inocybe sindonia; C. Ectomycorrhizal fungus: Rhizopogon pseudoroseolus; D. Ectomycorrhizal fungus: Suillus luteus; E. Ectomycorrhizal fungus: Amanita muscaria
    Photo by R. Vilgalys

    arbuscule (photo by Matt Lau)
    Structures of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inside a plant root. Photo by Matt Lau
    exotic Scleroderma fungus on South Africa_photo by Michael Wingfield
    Exotic Scleroderma fungus in South Africa. Photo by Michael Wingfield
    Rhinoceros at Kruger National Park_photo by Michael Wingfield
    Rhinoceros at Kruger National Park. Photo by Michael Wingfield
    Amanita muscaria invasive in the Andes of Colombia
    Amanita muscaria invasive in the Andes of Colombia.
    Dung beetle in South Africa. Photo by Michael Wingfield
  • Study in Australia. photo of koala bearAn international research training opportunity for graduate students:

    Invasions and ecosystems—Ecosystem functional consequences of plant & fungal invasions, and how dynamics and management of invasions are affected by global change and extreme climatic events

    May 14 – May 29, 2023, Australia
    (dates tentative)

    ► Application Deadline: January 7, 2023

    Graduate students of diverse backgrounds are invited to apply for this unique training opportunity, sponsored by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to the University of Mississippi (award #1953299).